Commission price list

For more examples of my work, please check my portfolio.



A fully rendered digital painting of a character, with a background color of your choosing(optional). Complex design or multiple characters will result in price increase.

SizeBase Price
Bust shot$80


Polished lines with a base color/minimal color. Price may fluctuate depending on complexity and quantity of characters. Background is never lined.Lineart can resemble traditional paint strokes, thin/sketch-like lines or be clean and modulated upon request.

StyleDescriptionBase Price
Flat/static linesLines with little to no thickness$45
Modulated linesLines with varying thickness$55
Flat + shadingLines with little to no thickness and crosshatch shading$60
Modulated + shadingLines with varying thickness and crosshatch shading$75


Clean, unshaded colors throughout the piece. Flat color can also be lineless for an additional fee. Can include a simple background, pattern or a tone/gradient.

SizeBase Price*
Bust shot$50+
Half body$60+
3/4 body$80+
Full body$90+
-*(Additional $40-75+ for extra character)
-**(Additional $15 if lineless)


Fully shaded piece with extra effects, details, and complex/simple/color/pattern background. Mechanical elements/prosthetics, extra body parts/unusual appendages, and accessories such as weapons, clothes, etc. will result in a price increase.

SizeBase Price*
Bust shot$150+
Half body$200+
3/4 body$250+
Full body$300+
-(Additional $120-280+ per extra character)


Double-sided pillow cover, fully rendered with simple bedsheet background with any color of choice. Only one character per pillow. Elements such as clothes, mechanical parts/extra appendages or detailed accessories will raise price. Simple piercings do not apply regardless of quantity. Pose can be chosen.
NOTE: You will NOT get a physical cover.

StyleDescriptionBase Price
Double sided simpleSimple dakimakura design featuring front and back of character OR character and an alternate version of the same art(eg. clothed, then unclothed + expression change)$200+
Double sided dynamicChoice of two drastically different poses/scenes. Fit for characters with multiple forms.$400+ (DYNAMIC BACKGROUND INCLUDED FOR BOTH SIDES)
ADDITION - Dynamic backgroundChoice to change simple bedsheet background with a more detailed one(eg. bed + window & outside view).$50+
ADDITION - AccessoriesExtra accessories up to fifteen simplified items.$15(+)
ADDITION - NSFWOption to add NSFW features to artwork.$50+


Bust, half body, or full body 2D file with layers complete for rigging and face-tracking software such as LIVE2D. Fully rendered and shaded, starting price will rise depending on complexity or parts needed.

SizeBase Price*
Bust shot$350+
Half body$450+
3/4 body$500+
Full body$750+
ADDITION - Accessories/Asset$50+


Simple drawing of character face or body part(eg. hands, tail, NO NSFW PARTS OR GENITALIA FOR ICONS) primarily for use in social media or in contacts/text message. Includes 1000x1000px original resolution image and resized 500x500px images. Feel free to ask for custom size if needed. Prices will not change for complexity.

StyleBase Price
Lightly shaded$45
Lineless light shaded$50


Full-body character sheet following customer's given criteria. Reference is complete with a color swatch, eyes & mouth closeups and simple color background. Will include individual marking guides on arms/legs/wings if applicable (included in reference).

StylesDescriptionBase Price
Basic setFront and back of character complete with, mouth + eye closeups and full swatch.$120+
Basics + expression setIncludes basic set, simple description or pointers, 3 expressions of choice and three simple accessories.$200+
Full dynamic setIncludes basic set + innards(optionable), 5 expressions of choice, up to 8 simple accessories, and simple description or pointers.$275+
ADDITION - ClothesChoice to add a front and back reference of one set of clothes. NOTE: This is not a clothes design. You have to provide photos.$50+
ADDITION - NSFWOption to add NSFW features.$25+


Starting price: $150This is for a custom design for any clothes, creatures, and/or humans/humanoids(to an extent). Due to the changing nature of the amount of detail or complexity, the price may vary. You have the option to choose artistic freedom or tailored to the specific requests.

TypeDescriptionBase PriceSet price
ClothesA clothes design tailored to commissioner's specific requests. Comes with front & back view as well as full swatch.$150+-
CharacterA character design tailored to commissioner's specific requests. Can choose front view, back, or both. Includes simple swatch.$150+-
ARTISTIC FREEDOM - ClothesA clothes design of the artist's choice. Commissioner is free to give a reference to match to a character, or give a prompt or color swatch.-$120
ARTISTIC FREEDOM - CharacterA character design of the artist's choice. The commissioner is free to give a color swatch of their choosing or give a prompt.-$150

(tcg / ccg)

This is for a fully traditional alteration of a card of your choice. May be from Pokemon, Magic: The Gathering, etc. The final price of the commission may vary depending if you have a card readily available for alteration or if you will purchase one instead.If purchasing a card, you should be ready to provide the specific card's set information and you will be asked to confirm if you are okay with X condition and should be ready to pay the current price of the card according to said condition.Please confirm if you want to preserve the text within the card!

StyleBase Price
Full art$50+